Ashley johnson the last of us download
Ashley johnson the last of us download

ashley johnson the last of us download

No nuance anymore, no grey area anymore, she wasn't smart as we thought, she still sees herself through her immunity, she has learned nothing, the journey was for nothing, she was just a victim all along.The Last of Us is a third-person action-adventure survival horror video game created exclusively for PlayStation 3, and was later remastered for the PlayStation 4. Then the "sequel" comes out and out of sudden. Ellie wasn't a victim, and that's why her character was so damn good in that moment. Her survivor's guilt starts healing right there with that "Okay", because she finally realizes that her life (together with Joel) means more than the search for the cure. And whatever he had done, she was okay with that because Joel was the only person she has ever met after being bitten that did not see her through her immunity (remember: "Everyone I have cared for has either died or left me. "My" Ellie was smart enough to connect the dots (she was wearing hospital clothes and she knows Joel is lying to her) so she knows he has rushed her out of there because something terrible/extreme happened. So, is the first game truly that masterpiece you have always thought it was?

ashley johnson the last of us download

All this is insulting because you would be basically arguing with yourself that everything that you loved in the first game was just. And by doing it, you will be undermining TLoU's story and narrative in its entirety. If you see Ellie acting like this at the end of TLoU then the "sequel" makes no sense at all, to the point you will only be able to like Part II (swallow it, actually) if you completely downplay her whole established development. She accepts he may be lying but it doesnt matter IMO that's the best definition of the ending (also adding that Joel lies to Ellie to protect her) and anyone who thinks like this simply can't avoid to see the "sequel" as a complete retcon/regression over the first game.

ashley johnson the last of us download

If your choice is to save me over everybody else in the world then…ok. But finally having a connection and a relationship with somebody, that becomes more important because it’s like, I’ve finally connected with somebody in this world. In my mind, Joel and Ellie have already gone on this whole journey and Ellie is fully prepared – if finding the cure and getting the cure means dying – then so be it. Look at this interview from 2013 for example, when she talks about the very last scene of the first game and what Ellie's "Okay" meant in her opinion:Īshley Johnson: It’s funny because that ending, everybody’s interpreted it so differently.

Ashley johnson the last of us download